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The Real Ghost Stories

don't really know why

I would lie in my bed listening to books on tape and staring at the ceiling

But after what I saw that night when I was 10, I always kept my eyes tightly shut. The first thing that happened was I heard a soft creak and looked to see one of the doors of my armoire opening gently, not abruptly at all, and then it closed just as softly

At this point I was not afraid, I was actually oddly calm considering how nervous of a child I was

I remember thinking "it must have been the wind" which makes no sense because even if the wind could have done that, my window was closed

Then I saw it, a "monster" or "creature" or something

I don't know. In the space between my armoire and the wall I saw a face

It was green with red eyes and horribly fat red lips

It had a very skinny body with long arms, the body was humanoid

Its head was very round and looked smooth

I did nothing for a moment but then it gave me this terrible grin and I bolted from my room all the way to the basement where my father was working and told him

Of course he couldn't find anything, told me it was just a nightmare and made me go back to bed. I would be tempted to also believe it was just a dream but there are three reasons I know it can't have been

Firstly, my vision was not terrible at that age but I did need glasses which I obviously didn't wear to bed

When I saw that thing it was visible but just a little bit blurry and no dream I've had, no matter how realistic, has replicated my vision without glasses

Secondly, I never woke up

When I have a bad dream and I wake up from it, it takes me a few minutes to reorient myself, realize that it was a dream and that everything's ok

There was no transition like that, I saw the thing and ran

I never woke up

Thirdly and lastly, I mentioned that I fell asleep listening to audiobooks

Well, I continued to hear my audiobook playing smoothly through the whole event, not stopping or distorting like I know it would have in a dream

I have never read that book since (one of the Wayside School books if you're interested or it lends credence). After that I never saw the thing again, although I had nightmares about it for the next year

If anyone has any ideas about this I would love to hear them, even if you think I'm crazy that's a valid opinion too

I hope my account was clear. 
